Conference Book 2012
In order to guarantee a worldwide availability of all contributions to the AMAA conferences, a conference book is published in the engeneering library of Springer. The most recent book will be available directly at the conference as part of the information material for the participants. Additional copies are available at your local bookstore or over the web.
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2012
- Smart Systems for Safe, Sustainable and Networked Vehicles -
Meyer, Gereon (Ed.)
ISBN 978-3-642-29673-4
The ambitious objectives of future road mobility, i.e. fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, and zero accidents, imply a paradigm shift in the concept of the car regarding its architecture, materials, and propulsion technology, and require an intelligent integration into the systems of transportation and power. ICT, components and smart systems have been essential for a multitude of recent innovations, and are expected to be key enabling technologies for the changes ahead, both inside the vehicle and at its interfaces for the exchange of data and power with the outside world. It has been the objective of the International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA) for almost two decades to detect novel trends and to discuss technological implications and innovation potential from day one on. In 2012, the topic of the AMAA conference is “Smart Systems for Safe, Sustainable and Networked Vehicles”. The conference papers selected for this book address current research, developments and innovations in the field of ICT, components and systems and other key enabling technologies leading to the automobile and road transport of the future. The book focuses on application fields such as electrification, power train and vehicle efficiency, safety and driver assistance, networked vehicles, as well as components and systems.