Smart Systems Manufacturing in Europe
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The ultimate goal of SMARTER-SI is to test a new concept for small lot production, the Cooperative Foundry Concept. Components and parts of systems that are available at the participating RTOs and that are characterised by their high TRL, are combined in so-called Application Experiments (AEs), thereby creating innovative Smart Systems which serve the needs of SMEs.
Tangible benefits of Smarter-SI are:
- Enhanced collaboration between European RTOs by working together to deliver technology solutions that meet SMEs needs and contribute to a return on investment
- Customised integration of technology building blocks from project partners to deliver platform prototypes for SMEs to test new and existing markets
- Proactive participation of industry in the Smarter-SI Application experiments
- Ability to tailor building block technology to adapt the integration requirements for specific Application Experiments making the process flexible and highly modular in nature
SMEs will get an easier access to manufacturing capabilities for Smart Systems by addressing one of the participating institutes. Each institute acts as access point and coordinates the contributions from the others in Smart Systems design, manufacturing and testing.
Result of the SMARTER-SI cooperation between 2 SMEs and 2 RTOs from different European countries.