EPoSS - The Product Driven Platform

SMARTER-SI Objectives

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Key objectives of SMARTER-SI are to:

  • provide easier access to advanced Smart Systems Integration and to Cross-cutting Key Enabling Smart System technologies,
  • establish “first user”-type action lines in order to help SMEs,
  • stimulate actions which can provide the “missing layer” which gives a translation between technology and application,
  • offer design, manufacturing and testing of Smart Systems to SMEs in Europe,
  • give SMEs access to the necessary expertise from a group of RTOs with a wide range of expertise and experience,
  • enable SMEs to test the systems manufactured by the RTO foundry, in several applications with their clients, thereby covering the whole chain from RTD to manufacturing, usage in products to final customers,
  • address applications for which a few and up to a hundred thousand items per year are needed. This is the domain which is today not served by any commercial foundry,
  • provide a single access point for Smart Systems design, manufacturing and testing.

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Experts from five European countries representing research, technology, manufacturing and different application fields for smart products contribute to the success of SMARTER-SI.

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